BRIGITTE BARDOT - ANIMAL ATTRACTION - (2003/US) Color, b&w. 48 min BRIGITTE BARDOT was born September 28, 1934 in Paris, France. As a young girl Bardot was encouraged to take up music and dance, and her exceptional beauty landed her on the pages of ELLE magazine at th age of 15. She soon transitioned her modeling career into that of ab actress, debutimg in 1952's LE TROU NORMANS (CRAZY FOR LOVE) Her many movie roles exploited an image of petulant sexuality that was reinforced by a much publicized off-camera love life. She worked steadily during the fifties and sixties, and her 1973 film HISTOIRE TRES BONNE ET TRES JOYEUSE DE COLINOT TROUSSE-CHEMISE would prove to be the actress's last. Relentless paparazzi and persistant fans wore on Bardot and, seeking a life away from the limelight, she retired just before turning 40. She devoted herself to campaigning for animal rights and in 1986 started the BRIGITTE BARDOT FOUNDATION dedicated solely to that cause.

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